A community in
downtown Atlanta
1684 Homestead Ave, NE
Atlanta, GA 30306
Contact Jane Elliott for further information
on our Mindfulness Workshops .
Our monthly Mindfulness Training Workshops teach mindfulness skills that are of great benefit to those
in recovery from addiction to alcohol and drugs, and to all of us who are "addicted" to our self-
referential, repetitive thinking, to our egos, and to our fixed, often unconscious ways of perceiving the
world around us.
In the Spring of 2016, Cause for Hope was accepted as a Charter Partner of Compassionate Atlanta, a
grassroots movement with the goal of raising awareness about the benefits of compassionate action in
the metro Atlanta area. An immediate benefit of this partnership was the offering of monthly
Mindfulness Training Workshops, which began
in April 2016.
These workshops are taught by our two
outstanding trainers, Pam Glustrom and Cathy
Crosby. Though initially skeptical of the relevance
of this training, our friends downtown have come
to look forward to our monthly sessions with Pam
and Cathy. In fact, mindfulness training has
become quite popular now within schools, sports
teams, and businesses, and we are delighted to be
able to offer it as an adjunct to the Twelve Steps,
with which it holds remarkable similarities. We
have even delved into (easy) yoga movements
during the trainings, and it is amazing to behold
a roomful of men and women in the "High
Mountain" pose!
Our Mindfulness Workshops are held on the third
Monday of every month from 1 to 2:30 PM. They
take place in the same location as the Twelve-Step
Recovery meetings - the Parish Hall of The Shrine
of the Immaculate Conception at 48 Martin Luther
King Drive SW.
The workshops are free, a gift from Compassionate Atlanta, and open to everyone, so please join us.
Cause for Hope is a
registered 501(c)(3)
Mindfulness Training Workshops