A community in downtown Atlanta
Telephone 404-291-2234
Recovery Bible Study
The Bible is the greatest book on recovery ever written. In its pages we see God set out a plan for the recovery of his broken people and creation. We meet numerous individuals whose hurting lives are restored through the wisdom and power of God. We meet the God who is waiting with arms outstretched for all of us to turn back to him, seek his will, and recover the wonderful life he has for each of us. –Preface of The Life Recovery Bible, NLT On Wednesdays from 2:15 to 3:00, after the 1:00 recovery meeting, we gather for a small-group Recovery Bible Study at Common Ground of Hope. The group, named The Inner Circle by our members, uses The Life Recovery Bible (New Living Translation) to journey together through Holy Scriptures and the Twelve Steps, discovering powerful resources for recovery and healing in God’s Word. Whether struggling with addiction, in recovery, or not, these Bible studies deal with spiritual principles relevant to all our lives. Please join us for heartfelt discussions about control, powerlessness, surrender, will, grace, forgiveness, accountability, humility, service and much more!
© 2013 Cause for Hope
Mailing Address:
1684 Homestead Ave, NE Atlanta, GA 30306
Cause for Hope is a registered 501(c)(3) organization
The Inner Circle
Cause for Hope Addiction Recovery Program